DuPage Campaign Money


We have a big problem in our Democratic circles and I don’t what to do other than to shine a light on it and continue to focus on it as we barrel on to the 2022 election and beyond.  

Our Republican counterparts are outspending us 10 to 1 on good days and 50 to 1 on bad days. “Why?”, you ask. “Because they can”, is both the easy and the hard answer. They are the party of wealth, and for the wealthy, giving money to Republicans is a good investment.

We know we can out-campaign them on any given day on the ground because we are motivated and engaged.  But even ground games need money, and here we fall short time and time again. I know plenty of well-heeled democrats – why are so many so reluctant to pull out their wallets for local races?  How do we motivate them, educate them, encourage them to open their wallets as our opponents obviously have?  

I wish I had the answers.  But we need to start screaming these questions in order to shed the light on this problem.  We have every single seat in DuPage county up for election in 2022; we are currently seeking candidates to fill almost 50 seats in 2022.  These candidates will NOT come with any kind of a war chest; they will look to us, their township organizations, and the county for help.  Training and hand-holding are not enough —  they will need CASH. How are we going to provide it?

Let’s remove the taboos from politics and business — the Republicans seemingly have! Start talking about who and why you donate to with everyone. It’s easy to connect to your newly elected and engaged public officials and rewarding to see immediate results from your efforts when you get involved. 

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