2020 primary

Candidate info: Congressman Sean Casten


Running for: US Congress in the 6th District Email:  chloe@castenforcongress.com Email for campaign issues: info@castenforcongress.com Phone: (630) 534-3018 Campaign manager: Chloe Hunt  chloe@castenforcongress.com Facebook:  facebook.com/castenforcongress/ Website:...

Candidate info: Congressman Bill Foster


Running for: US Congress, 11th District Email: campaign@billfoster.com Phone: Robert Bourret – 630-310-6588 Campaign manager: Robert Bourret –  robert@billfoster.com Facebook:  facebook.com/RepBillFoster/ Website:  billfoster.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/Foster4Congress Why...

Candidate info: Rachel Ventura


Running for: US House of Representative, 11th Congressional District Email: hello@rachelfventura.com Phone: 630-878-7454 Campaign manager: John Laesch    john@rachelfventura.com Facebook: facebook.com/electventura Website: electventura.com Twitter: twitter.com/electventura Instagram: instagram.com/electventura...

Candidate info: Greg Shwarze


Running for: Dupage County Board District 6 What is your email?  ff09@comcast.net Email for campaign issues: greg4dupage@gmail.com Phone: 630-546-5015 Campaign manager: Natalie Benner – natalie.benner@gmail.com Facebook...

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